Furniture worth Investing in.

So, you’ve built your dream home and now you need to furnish it. Of course, it goes without saying that it’s important your home interiors are designed to suit your lifestyle and your personality. It’s where you spend the majority of your time, after all. However, furnishing and decorating your home can take a lot of time, effort, and money. So, it’s really worth pacing filling it with high-quality, timeless pieces that will last, as spending more money on fewer items now will pay off later.


Spring has finally sprung, which means it’s a great time to start prepping your outdoor space for the season ahead. And nothing adds cosiness and light to a backyard setting quite like your very own fire pit!

Designing a family friendly lounge room

Jacinta Evans, Senior Interior Designer, Metricon.

The lounge room is often referred to as the heart of the family home – regularly having a duel life as a living and a work zone.

It can often be a challenge when designing a lounge room to find a cohesive balance between functionality and form, that works for a family now and into the future. When choosing a house plan it is always a great idea to look around various display homes, which can give you a sense of a space and provide you with some great ideas.

Make the most of your space.

Who amongst us doesn't hanker for a bit more space? Whether your home is big or small, we’ve got plenty of tips to create space and make your house feel more roomy, comfortable and relaxed.

Mirror Image.

Top tips to get your garden ready for Spring.

Spring is on its way and soon you’ll be caught up in a frenzy of seed sowing, growing, and nurturing your garden as it comes back to life. Spend this month organising your thoughts and get a head start on the new gardening year.

Here’s our useful guide for top tips on how to prepare you garden this Spring.

Clean up your act.

Over the Winter months, your garden has been exposed to all the elements and it’s probably a safe bet to assume it’s looking a bit sad and untidy. So, now is the perfect time to get everything shipshape again.

Designing a family friendly kitchen

Tamara Hosken, Manager of the Spectra Showroom, Carlisle Homes

Gone are the days where the kitchen was just for preparing and cooking, with guests stayed tucked away in the living areas, not setting foot in the ‘work zone’. Today’s kitchen really has become the new living room, the nucleus of the home, a place where the family gathers for meals and friends get together over coffee.

Reap what you sow. Growing the perfect veggie garden.

Growing your own edible garden isn't hard – it just requires a little time, patience, good advice and common sense.

Here are our top tips for getting started…

What to plant?

The very first thing is to decide what you want to grow. This can be as simple as thinking about what herbs and vegetables you like to eat and use often. Plus, it’s also a good idea to research which varieties grow best in your area.

Winter Wellness in the home

We all look forward to retreating to our homes from the busyness and chaos of the world. Your home should provide an opportunity to unwind and offer you an environment of calm to enhance your wellbeing and happiness.

It’s important to feel connected and calm within our homes and these quick and easy decorating tips with have you on the road to creating a space for optimal wellness.

Chaos to calm

Decorating and organising tips for Winter

As the days get shorter and colder and we embrace the idea of being warm and cocooned inside, here are some essential winter decorating and organising tips for your home that might inspire.

Layer it up!

Just like laying up our clothes during winter, we can also do the same with our homes. Adding an additional layer of soft furnishings during the winter months gives a space a sense of warmth and homeliness. Using a beautiful basket some additional cushions or throws to hold these when needed will remove the opportunity for clutter.

Our top 10 DIY projects for your home

Thanks to social-distancing regulations, we’re all spending way more time at home. So why not take advantage of the opportunity to roll up your sleeves and tackle a few value-adding DIY projects around the house.

Check out our top 10 easy home improvement ideas that you can start right now – from decorating to storage to lighting and more – which cost little, but yield great results, guaranteed to save you money in the long term and add value to your home.


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